Kisi Kisi UN bahasa Inggris SMP 2018 serta Perbahasannya

Hari ini kita akan membahas tentang Kisi Kisi UNBK Bahasa Inggris berikut contoh soal untuk siswa siswa SMP.  Baik mungkin anda para siswa semua  pernah mendengar kata "Kisi Kisi ". Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia makna "kisi-kisi " adalah jeruji kayu, celah, mengarah ke ". Namun di dalam dunia pendidikan makna dari "kisi - kisi " adalah panduan kerangka atau peta yang mengarah pada penulisan bentuk soal. dengan mebaca kisi kisi suatu pelajaran kita bisa memprediksi kira kira apa ya nanti bentu soalnya.

untuk anda para siswa smp semua yang belum mempunyai kisi kisi soal UNBK SMP 2018 silahkan  klik dan unduh link berikut ini (UNDUH) 

Nah setelah anda mempunyai kisi kisi mari kita bahas kisi kisi soal UNBK SMP 2018. Berikut contoh pembahasan kisi kisi bahasa Inggris SMP .

Perhatikan pada kolom Fungsi Sosial
Disana ada  keterangan bahwa Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi aspek-aspek fungsi sosial yaitu :

- topik / isu / masalah
- tujuan / fungsi / pesan
- latar belakang / alasan
- akibat / dampak / manfaat
- sikap / nilai yang diusung
-       peran dan fungsi pembicara / penulis
- peran dan fungsi
-      konteks penggunaan (a.l. tempat,
waktu, situasi, dsb)
  • contoh soal yang membahas topik:
What is the text about? 
  • Contoh soal tujuan / fungsi / pesan
What message can we from the text?
  • Contoh soal latar belakang  / alasan
Why ......
  • Contoh soal akibat /dampak / manfaat
What can get after reading the text ?
  • Contoh soal sikap / nilai yang diusung
what is the moral value of this text?
  • contoh soal peran dan fungsi pembicara  / penulis
What is the purpose of the writer wrote this text?
  • contoh soal peran dan fungsi pendengar / pembaca
What can we learn after reading the text?
  • konteks penggunaan (a.l. tempat, 
    waktu, situasi, dsb)
contoh soal seperti ini biasanya di mulai dengan kata tanya Wh ( Wh-Question ) yaitu :
What : menanyaka Apa
When : Menanyakan kapan waktunya
Where : menanyakan dimana kejadiannya
Which : yang mana.

Berikut Contoh Soal dan Jawaban mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris UNBK 2018
The following text Is for questions 1 to 3.


Due to extreme weather, our school is clos-ing 4 hours earlier, at 11.00 a.m. If you pick up your child, please be at school no later than 10.30 a.m. Buses will follow their nor-mal routes.

1. Why will the school be closing earlier?

(A) There are fewer school activities.
(B) There is a threat of terrible weather.
(C) Parents want to pick up their children soon.
(D) School buses have new routes and schedules.

2. What time will classes be over?

(A) 10.30 a.m.
(B) 11.00 a.m.
(C) 03.00 p.m.
(D) 04.00 p.m.

3. “Due to extreme weather...” The underlined word is closest in meaning to

(A) mild
(B) warm
(C) pleasant
(D) severe

The following text is for questions 4 to 6.

All his life, Guntur had dreamt about traveling abroad. One day, his school an-nounced a competition for a scholarship to study in Singapore. As he really wished to go abroad, he followed the competition. He prepared well for the competition because he didn‟t want to miss the chance. He won the competition and could go abroad, study-ing in Singapore.

Guntur was pleased when he heard about his winning the scholarship. He was going to study in Singapore. He actually felt cheerless when he had to say goodbye to his family and friends. However, he was excited about going to the university and meet people from all around the world.

The first few weeks in Singapore was not easy for Guntur. Sometimes, he felt homesick and lonely. The other students were nice, but found it hard to get along with people from the countries with differ-ent backgrounds, cultures and languages. He tried his best to adjust to new environment. The classes were interesting but they were hard. He had to spend time in library many hours every day. Guntur didn‟t want to give up. He knew he had to do his best and suc-ceed.

4. What is the main idea of the last para-graph ?

(A) Guntur‟s first few weeks was not easy

(B) Guntur felt bad about leaving his fam-ily
(C) Guntur is sad thinking about leaving his hometown.
(D) Guntur made friends with people from other countries.

5. What can we conclude from the text?

(A) Because of feeling homesick and lonely Guntur decided to go back.
(B) His cheerless feeling took over his ex-citement about leaving.
(C) Guntur wanted to be successful in his overseas study.
(D) Guntur‟s parents did not allow Guntur to leave.

6. Why did Guntur find difficulties in his first few weeks in Singapore?

(A) He had difficulties to adapt and some-times missed his family.
(B) The classes he took that semester were really hard and boring.
(C) He wanted to treat his friends like fam-ily but they refused.
(D) Almost all his friends didn‟t like him

Nah demikianlah prediksi soal un bahasa inggris untuk smp 2018 serta anda bisa juga
latihan soal unbk smp 2018 secara online. namun yang terpenting kalian harus jujur dalam menjawab soalsoal ujian nasional berbasis komputer.
jangan lupa untuk mempelajari kisi kisi un bahasa inggris 2018

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